Slowly Coming Together
The acrylic was quite hard to form (I had a wooden former to wrap around) as the gloves you have to wear when you take it out of the oven are huge on me so I couldn't feel what I was doing. However the shape wasn't far off but I decided to make a further Vectorworks file of the footprint of my model to get this routed in to the base so that the acrylic will slot in and be held firmly in the right shape. This will also be useful when forming the mirrored sections at the back.

This was mirrored acrylic but when it was heated to be formed in to this curve it steamed up and lost its 'mirrorness' and is now just dully shiny. I'm slightly disappointed as I waited ages for it to arrive (from eBay) but it isn't completely useless. This was also hard to form (maybe even harder, took about 4 attempts) but the routed guide in the base for the pieces to slot in to helped a lot.
This is the model in its nearly complete state! I need to get a base and some blocks to put it on so its slightly raised like my sketch model, then make the front steps and add the strings to the sides working out how I will still be able to remove the top section... However Ive photographed it like this so I can get on with my next banner showing the finished piece. I will add the steps and extra bits on Photoshop as I go along.