Storytelling & Staging: My short film
I also liberated this old suitcase from my parents loft after remembering this image I had collected of one being used as a puppet theatre. I thought it might be useful in the film in some way as it ties in with Lucy's style, my look book mood and something could escape from it/you escape on holiday when you pack a suitcase...
After looking at this website I have the urge to encase my porcelain animals in jelly and eat them free. I think they offer quite a good opportunity for a quirky, amusing yet slightly sinister film about escapism... acting things out through them? As i have blogged before,
'Could my film be lots of shots of animated objects 'escaping' and coming together at the end in some way to suggest a safe place or permanent home/environment?'
These stills are from an Min Oh film called 'Objects' she manipulates the different 'faces' of this plug to make it look like it is breathing and moving. Most of the work is done by the clever use of breathing sounds over the changing pictures. It is quite simple animation of an inanimate object but a powerful and interesting piece.
These stills are from another piece of hers called ' Monkeys butt is red'. We see one hand holding one children's word card throughout the film but every time it is turned over the word and picture has changed to go along with the song being sung over the top. It starts of quite sweet and naive, how you'd expect children's cards to read and then become more sinister, although quite amusing;
I quite like the idea of animating collected inanimate objects in my film. The phrase 'Lucy's safe place' was used by someone in my last tutorial to describe what they though my space for Lucy was going to be. I think this is quite interesting. Could my film be lots of short shots of animated objects 'escaping' and coming together in some way at the end to suggest a safe place or permanent home/environment?
The third page shows a bird escaping from a cage, a more literal representation that also conveys Lucy's style as she has used imagery of birds in her books. The forth page has the sheet music for 'Lucy locket lost her pocket' in the background as music can be an escape for some people and Lucy said sound was important to her. I also used that particular song with the image of a tiny porcelain kitten because Lucy collects these 'lost' items because she wants to give them a home.
The fifth page shows sewn on butterflies escaping from a patterned carpet bag and the words 'halfway through' as the next page is the centre of the piece. This sixth page is an image of a Victorian lady holding a tea tray transfered on to fabric with the hand stitched letters 'Cup of tea'. Lucy said tea breaks are very important to her while shes working, this is like a miniature escape and moment to relax and reflect so I have sewn a tea break in to the middle of my book.
The seventh page is also central in the book so continues the tea break with imagery I think relevant to Lucy and a tiny spoon, an interesting found object that I thought I would include! The eighth page is a watercolor study of a bird in flight over top of some text out of an old stained book.
The ninth page is an image I found really clever, a figure being embraced by a page of text. I have written around the figure 'escape in to the arms of a good book'. The tenth page is a cut out of a vintage bicycle. Transport is an oppurtunity for escape, you could hop on that bike and go anywhere... The eleventh page shows two flying kites and the text 'Let go'. The final image is a tunnel of books that i though was really relevent and interesting. You could crawl down there and escape in to another world...
I still plan to make a concertina style book so that all the pages can be folded out and viewed together. I feel this is the best format to create a mood and give a sense of a 'journey' through the book with the pop out letters 'e' 's' 'c' 'a' 'p' 'e' taking you from the first page to the last....
I cant remember how I came across this piece on but I thought the idea of mixing all the diffferent art/design forms with new technologies to 'rethink our daily products and break boundaries' was a very interesting concept.
Lucy makes books that challenge the traditional form and uses everyday products within her work in unconventinal ways, creating a narrative for them.
This piece is also by Su Blackwell but is a change from her usual paper cutting, 'Safety pin birds', as the name suggests, are tiny sculptures of little birds made solely from safety pins. I was drawn to this piece because the birds are so tiny and delicate but then you look closer and realise what they are made from, sharp metal pins that completely contrast with the idea of a sweet little bird. It reminded me of how some of Lucy's work may deal with themes of childhood and use attractive imagery but there is sometimes a more adult undercurrent at play as well.