Interesting collected items; Escapism short film
I went home this weekend and acquired some interesting items that I might use in my film. I have been researching animating objects and keep coming back to the idea of using these porcelain animals tying in with Lucy's collecting and imagery from my look book. My current idea is to use the figures as the protagonists for my film, they are escaping/looking for a safe place and could be seen in lots of different scenarios. Alternatively I could use them in one shot of the sequence but I am still undecided.
The piece of card with the heart cut out I think could also be useful, somehow...
Here are some other animals;

I also liberated this old suitcase from my parents loft after remembering this image I had collected of one being used as a puppet theatre. I thought it might be useful in the film in some way as it ties in with Lucy's style, my look book mood and something could escape from it/you escape on holiday when you pack a suitcase...
After looking at this website www.jellymongers.co.uk I have the urge to encase my porcelain animals in jelly and eat them free. I think they offer quite a good opportunity for a quirky, amusing yet slightly sinister film about escapism... acting things out through them? As i have blogged before,
'Could my film be lots of shots of animated objects 'escaping' and coming together at the end in some way to suggest a safe place or permanent home/environment?'
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